TACOMA, Wash. – The Port of Tacoma has scheduled a public meeting May 29 to gather input as it begins considering potential environmental impacts of redeveloping terminals, roads and rail on a Tacoma Tideflats peninsula.
The meeting is part of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) public review process for the redevelopment project. Redevelopment plans on the Blair-Hylebos Peninsula include:
- Relocating the Totem Ocean Trailer Express marine terminal
- Building a new container terminal for NYK Line
- Widening a section of the Blair Waterway
- Lengthening a wharf at Washington United Terminal
- Improving road and rail infrastructure
The May 29 meeting is set for 4:30 to 7 p.m. in Room 104 of The Fabulich Center, 3600 Port of Tacoma Road in Tacoma. Staff from the Port’s Sustainable Development department will be available in an open house format to discuss various aspects of the project. Project managers are scheduled to deliver a short presentation at 6 p.m.
The environmental review process provides several opportunities for the public to comment on the proposed project. Each review step will be advertised in local newspapers and on the Port’s website, with links to draft documents:
- May 2008: Scope of environmental analysis
- September 2008: Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- February 2009: Final Environmental Impact Statement
Scoping documents are available for review on the Port’s website at www.portoftacoma.com. Comments on the scope of the environmental analysis, to be prepared later this summer, must be received by 5 p.m. June 6 to be considered in drafting the Environmental Impact Statement. Comments may be sent by mail to: ATTN: Matoya Scott, Port of Tacoma, PO Box 1837, Tacoma, WA 98401-1837, or by e-mail to sepa@portoftacoma.com.
About the Port of Tacoma
The Port of Tacoma is an economic engine for South Puget Sound, with more than 43,000 family-wage jobs in Pierce County and 113,000 jobs across Washington state connected to Port activities. A major gateway to Asia and Alaska, the Port of Tacoma is among the largest container ports in North America, handling an estimated more than $36 billion in annual trade and almost 2 million TEUs (20-foot equivalent container units). The P