Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Leading Organizations Contributing to the Success of LQ's Annual SC Study and Awards Program
Leading Organizations Contributing to the Success of LQ's Annual Supply Chain Study and Awards Program
August 12, 2015, Toronto - LQ Magazine would like to take this opportunity to convey our appreciation to the following organizations for their contribution to the success of LQ’s annual (2015) Supply Chain Study and Awards Program, which is open for more entries until the deadline of August 20, 2015:
The Canadian Institute of Traffic and Transportation (CITT)
The Canadian International Freight Forwarding Association (CIFFA)
The International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM)
The National Shippers Strategic Transportation Council (NASSTRAC)
The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA)
The Transportation Marketing and Sales Association (TMSA)
EyeforTransport (EFT)
Women in Trucking
In addition, LQ’s team would like to take this opportunity convey our appreciation to LQ’s Founding Academic Members of LQ's 3PL Study and Awards Program, Michigan State University’s David Closs, PhD, and The Ohio State University’s Thomas Goldsby, PhD, and C.H. Robinson for its support in underwriting LQ’s annual 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program.
LQ’s team would also like to convey a special appreciation to The Ohio State University Doctoral Candidate, Esen Andic-Mortan, for her upcoming analysis of LQ’s 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program 2014 and her programming to ensure the publication of this year’s study in a new online format.
In addition, LQ’s team would like to take this opportunity to thank David Guernsey, a member of LQ’s Board, and Director of Business Development, PeerAspect.
About LQ’s SC Study and Awards Program:
LQ’s 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program, which now contains two sections; a Supply Chain Benchmarking Study included in the First Section of LQ's 3PL Sustainability Study, as well as the traditional Second Section that is comprised of case-study oriented questions. Participants must complete both sections to be candidates for placement in LQ's 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program (2015).
LQ’s Study is designed to offer participants (logisticians and 3PLs alike) data-driven insights to reduce your costs, enhance performance and reduce waste.
An estimated 10 minutes are required to complete the Supply Chain Benchmarking section of LQ’s survey, which has been developed in consultation with thought leaders from Michigan State University, The Ohio State University and LQ’s Board. Completion of the Second Section of LQ’s Study, in addition to the new Maturity Matrix, will enable your firm to become a candidate for recognition in LQ’s Best Performer in Supply Chain Sustainability Awards Symposium, which will be held in Toronto on October 9, 2015.
To register, please visit LQ's Supply Chain Benchmarking Survey website. You will receive a personalized link to the survey within 24 hours. This link is uniquely tied to this survey and your email address. Please save the link (or the email) to access your entry anytime in the future. It can be used to make your entry, input revisions and provide additional information at any time up until the deadline of August 20th, 2015.
All of the information that you enter is automatically saved by Survey Monkey's secure system. It can be used to make your entry, input revisions and provide additional information at any time up until the deadline of August 20th, 2015.
We look forward to sharing the aggregate once they are available.
You can also access more information about this 2015 Supply Chain Study at And a one-page (PDF) overview of LQ’s Supply Chain Study is also available if you click here. If you are unable to participate in LQ's SC Benchmarking Study at this time please share this PDF with colleagues who may find this study of value in their supply chain outsourcing practices.