Saturday, January 24, 2009

The British Columbia Maritime Employers Association

Update: BCMEA ILWU 514 contract negotiations


The British Columbia Maritime Employers Association and Local 514 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union met on Friday, January 23 and continued discussions with Mediator John Rooney. The BCMEA provided a comprehensive response to the Union's proposals dated January 15 2009.

The Mediator will be in contact with both parties to setup further meeting dates. Further updates will be provided as significant events occur.

Port Metro Vancouver remains open for business and has not experienced vessel diversions resulting from the BCMEA-ILWU 514 contract negotiations.

Katherine Bamford
Senior Business Communications Advisor
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs

Port Metro Vancouver
100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place, Vancouver BC Canada V6C 3T4
Direct: 604-665-9065 Cel: 778-233-6019 Fax: 1-866-284-4271