Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Robert DeCamp Appointed to COAC, A.N. Deringer, Inc.

SAINT ALBANS, VT: A.N. Deringer, Inc., the international logistics service provider, is proud to announce that Robert DeCamp, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Consulting, has been appointed to the Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of Customs and Border Protection (COAC). COAC is a twenty member advisory council that advises the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security on trade compliance, facilitation, the securing of the supply chain, and other trade and security issues of mutual concern. The select committee is jointly chaired by the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection. DeCamp's application and appointment was supported by Representative John McHugh (R-NY 23rd District).

During its eleventh two-year term, the committee is expected to consider such issues as: enhanced border and cargo supply chain security, CBP modernization and automation, informed compliance and compliance assessment, account-based processing, commercial enforcement and uniformity, international efforts to harmonize Customs practices and procedures, strategic planning, northern and southern border issues, agricultural inspection, import safety, and the CBP mission.

Since becoming licensed as a US Customs Broker in 1976, Bob has held a variety of strategic corporate positions including Vice President of Operations, Regulatory Affairs, and has also served as President of a trade consulting service. In 1999, Bob joined the A.N. Deringer, Inc. team as Director of Regulatory Affairs and Consulting. In addition to leading the Deringer Logistics Consulting Group, he is a member of the Advisory Council of the School of Business and Economics at the State University of New York.

Jake Holzscheiter, President and CEO for Deringer, stated: "As a seasoned veteran of Customs affairs, Bob's experience will bring a lot of strength and perspective to COAC. Bob's knowledge and involvement with Customs and Border Protection is a testament to Deringer's solid foundation in Customs brokerage and the logistics industry."