Friday, November 4, 2011

LQ’s 2012 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program

Supply Chain Technology and Best Practices in Sustainability (

This year Rick Blasgen, CEO of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, identified the transmission of information between supply chain partners as the second most important challenge that CSCMP’s members face, with global competition as the number one issue.

He noted firms must collaborate to mitigate risk and increase transparency, demonstrating trust between supply chain partners on topics that may have been viewed as proprietary in the past.

Firms such as Procter & Gamble, for example, have reported that they’ve reduced forecast errors by more than 30 percent, decreased safety stock by more than 10 percent and increased cash flow by more than $100 million by applying technology for end-to-end forecasting in their supply chain practices.

Given the growing importance of technology in today’s supply chain, the 2012 LQ 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program seeks to better understand how firms are employing information technology in support of sustainability in their organization and supply chains.

LQ’s editors have introduced technology as the focus theme underlying LQ’s 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program for 2012 by adding questions focusing on technology to the basic LQ 2011 Study questions.

You’re invited to participate in LQ’s 2012 3PL Sustainability Study and Awards Program. To participate and register, join us at: