Monday, January 28, 2013

National Transportation Leaders to Explore Solutions for Funding Infrastructure

Reducing Gridlock and Advancing Life-Saving Vehicle Technology at Nashville Summit

Washington, D.C. January 28, 2013 – Two thousand transportation officials and high-tech leaders from across the country will gather in Nashville, TN from April 22 – 24, 2013 to explore solutions for easing traffic congestion, financing the nation’s transportation system, and advancing life-saving vehicle technologies.

As governments at all levels are being asked to do more with less, participants will also examine ways in which intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can make the nation’s roads and public transit systems more efficient and cost-effective, while providing commuters and highway users with more convenient, modern travel options.

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s (ITS America) 23rd Annual Meeting & Exposition will be held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center, and will showcase the latest ITS technology solutions with an Exhibit Hall and panel discussions featuring national, regional and local transportation officials and innovation leaders.

The three-day event will highlight the latest transportation innovations that are being developed and implemented across the United States – solutions such as connected vehicle technology, intelligent traffic signals, advanced traffic and incident management systems, electronic tolling and pricing systems, smart mobility apps, and real-time traffic, transit, navigation and parking information.

At the event, leading transportation professionals from public agencies, private industry and academia will also explore new ideas and opportunities for improving safety and mobility and modernizing the nation’s infrastructure.

This year’s program will also feature:
*         State DOT CEO Roundtable – Transportation CEO’s from around the country will share their experience and ideas for how states can better utilize ITS technologies to address critical transportation challenges, as well as what changes are on the horizon as a result of last year’s transportation reauthorization bill, MAP-21.
*         Legislative Sessions – Attendees will have a unique opportunity to hear from and provide input to policymakers who have jurisdiction over transportation and technology legislation.
*         U.S. DOT Programs Update – Senior officials from across the U.S. Department of Transportation will present the latest developments in federal highway, transit and safety programs, including the ITS Strategic Plan and what lies ahead for 2013 and beyond.
*         ITS Spotlights – Private sector innovation leaders will discuss the latest developments in the ITS field, including recent deployment projects that are making a real-world impact on transportation safety, mobility, the environment and the economy.
*         Town Hall Meetings – These new, interactive sessions will focus on controversial and timely subjects including innovative financing alternatives for the nation’s transportation system.
*         Training – State, city and county transportation professionals can register for training courses on numerous ITS-related subjects. The training sessions are hosted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

About the Intelligent Transportation Society of America:

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America represents more than 400 member organizations including public agencies, private corporations, and academic institutions involved in the research, development, and deployment of technologies that improve safety, increase mobility, and sustain the environment. For more information, visit